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STM - Art in the Metro



Create a book that showcases the abundant art and history found in Montreal's underground metro system.

Publication Design
Dawson College
Fall 2020

Approach / Solution

Approach /

The book is made up of 5 sections that are each a different size. The size of each book is based on the length of the line it represents. As such, the orange line section is the largest booklet because it is the longest line, while the yellow line booklet is the smallest, only second to the introduction, given it is the shortest line.

The overall design goal was to be clear and use themes familiar to the Montreal metro system. I emphasized the already established colors associated with each line to evoke a feeling of familiarity. Whether you’re from Hochelaga and you call the green line your home or you’re from the Mile End and swear by the daily commute on the orange line, you will find something familiar in this book that brings together a community of everyday users.

STM blue line imgSTM full spread imgSTM yellow line imgSTM green line imgstm orange line img